Who is Jace?

Jace's Story

At 25 years old, my world was rocked by the three words no one ever wants to hear: "You have cancer." Those words hit me like a tidal wave, flooding me with thoughts and emotions that threatened to overwhelm me.

It all began in early 2023, with a persistent light cough that gradually worsened over the following months. Accompanying this was an unexpected onset of back pain, positioned uncomfortably between my shoulder blades. Despite numerous visits to my primary physician, who attributed the symptoms to routine issues like acid reflux and ordinary back pain, the nagging feeling that something was seriously wrong persisted within me.

After enduring six visits in just two weeks, my persistence finally led to an X-Ray, which revealed unsettling shadows within my chest. A subsequent CT scan confirmed the worst: three tumors silently growing within me, a diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

Feeling in need of support, I turned to social media, sharing my diagnosis and asking for help when I needed it most. The response was overwhelming, a flood of love and encouragement pouring in from friends, family, and even acquaintances.

who is jace

Bolstered by this outpouring of support, I resolved to confront my diagnosis head-on. As requests for updates poured in, I realized the potential of using social media as a platform for sharing my journey. Thus, in early February of 2024, I began posting video updates, initially intended for those closest to me.

To my astonishment, these videos resonated far beyond my inner circle, spreading like wildfire across social media platforms and amassing a viewership of millions. It became apparent that my story was touching the lives of others in ways I had never imagined.

With newfound purpose, while battling my own cancer, I made a solemn vow to utilize this unexpected platform for the greater good. Thus, I founded a nonprofit organization, Jace Beats Cancer, dedicated to supporting cancer patients on their journey to remission. Recognizing the privilege of having access to quality healthcare, I resolved to redirect the support and generosity of my followers towards those less fortunate.

who is jace

With each passing day, I reaffirm my commitment to the fight against cancer, promising to use my voice and resources to help as many people as possible ring that symbolic remission bell, signaling triumph over adversity.

I write this story to you in my hospital bed receiving chemotherapy. I am on my 4th cycle and understand first hand what it's like to go through this awful disease. I have many nights where I lay awake in bed and think about everyone in the world going through this. I'vemade a promise to myself to always help however I can. Together we are stronger than cancer. In The News - Carousel Feed