Partner With Us

Become a corporate sponsor

We invite your company to join us as a corporate sponsor of Jace Beats Cancer, where together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those affected by cancer. By partnering with our nonprofit, your company demonstrates its commitment to corporate social responsibility while directly supporting individuals and families battling cancer through financial assistance, community support, and resources. Through tailored sponsorship packages, we offer opportunities for your brand to gain valuable recognition and visibility, aligning with your corporate values and objectives. Join us in the fight against cancer and be a beacon of hope for those in need. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of cancer patients and their loved ones.

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Become a non-profit partner

At Jace Beats Cancer, we believe in the power of collaboration and collective impact. We welcome partnerships with other nonprofits to offer a comprehensive support system to the cancer patients we serve. By joining forces, we can leverage the unique resources and expertise of each organization to better meet the diverse needs of cancer patients and their families. Whetherit's providing additional financial assistance, specialized services, or access to community programs, partnering nonprofits can enhance the holistic care and support we offer. Together, we can create a stronger network of support for those affected by cancer, empowering them to navigate their journey with resilience and hope. If your nonprofit shares our mission of supporting cancer patients, we invite you to partner with us and make a difference in the lives of those in need.

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Fundraise with us

There are countless ways for individuals and organizations to support Jace Beats Cancer through fundraising initiatives. Whether it's hosting a charity event, organizing a community fundraiser, or launching an online campaign, every effort, big or small, makes a significant impact on the lives of cancer patients and their families. By spreading awareness about our cause and rallying support from friends, family, and colleagues, fundraisers can help us raise crucial funds to provide financial assistance, community support, and resources to those in need. From charity walks and runs to bake sales and gala’s, the possibilities are endless when it comes to fundraising for Jace Beats Cancer. Together, we can make a difference and bring hope to those fighting the battle against cancer. If you'repassionate about our mission and want to get involved, we encourage you to start your own fundraising campaign or event today. 

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